Rituals & Energy Work for the Supermoon in Virgo

For those who don’t know a supermoon is a rare convergence of two spectacular events happening simultaneously. Every moon cycle there is a point where the moon is closest and a time when the moon appears to be full in the sky. When these two events happen at the sametime we call this a supermoon.


A supermoon packs all the punch of a full moon multiplied in its energetic pull and influence over the planet and all those who dwell on it. A supermoon for an energy worker is a perfectly powerful time to do any rituals or undertakings that require great effort and energy to be completed. For example, let’s say you have been working for months or even years on manifesting a specific thing or situation and have been making progress but still haven’t quite reached that goal as of yet, try using this rare lunar occurrence in conjunction with its corresponding astrological energy to unlock the energies needed to boost your manifestation power.


On Feb. 19, 2019 there will be a supermoon in the sign of Virgo. This supermoon will be a perfect time to manifest any works concerning health, employment, or family healing. Virgo is a wonderful placement for this supermoon; as it also marks the first full moon of the lunar year and thus can represent a gateway that will open up the energies that can unlock the coming new cycle.


Here are some simple Energy Workings/Rituals that you can use that will help you to affect change in any area of your life needed during this time.


A Spiritual Herb Bath


A spiritual herbal bath uses the magickal properties of herbs to create an infusion that can be used in the magickal practice of bathing. A spiritual bath is great for clearing energies away or adding in energies into ones aura helping your spiritual body to receive the vibrations of the herbs.


Simple Supermoon Spiritual Bath



  • Sage (Spiritual Protection)
  • Hyssop (Cleansing)
  • Rosemary (Spiritual awakening)
  • Fennel (Virgo Herb; Can be interchanged if you are working with a different astrological energy)

Try our popular Aura Cleanse Bath



  1. Boil cold water in a stainless steel, or copper pot (never use aluminium or teflon for magickal works)
  2. Put a tablespoon of each herb into the boiling water and let it simmer for 15 mins at a medium low heat.
  3. After the mixture has released some color shut off the heat and let the mixture steep for another 10 mins.
  4. Strain the mixture and let it cool until it is the desired temperature to be added to your bath.
  5. Pour in the liquid and submerge your entire body into the bath for at least 15 mins.


While in the bath you can take a moment to meditate on your goals, you can increase the power of this bath by adding candles and mantras or frequencies that have the properties of what you are trying to manifest. You can even add corresponding crystals. 


Crystal Gridding


Crystal gridding is one of my favorite ways to activate and amplify the power of crystals. A crystal grid is an alignment of crystals into a specific or significant position that will help to magnify their power. The most powerful grid alignments are based on sacred geometry, the study of the spiritual power of certain shapes and patterns. By integrating sacred geometry and the understanding of crystal properties you can come up with some pretty powerful combinations.



  1. Choose the space that you will use to set up your crystal grid. Ideally it should be an open space where the grid won’t be bothered. It would be nice if it was by a window but not necessary.
  2. Choose the stones you wish to use. If you want to do something for this supermoon you may wish to choose stones that resonate with the sign of virgo such as carnelian (link to purchase), moonstone, amazonite, or chrysocolla.
  3. Set down a sacred covering or spiritually wash, smudge, or sage the space you are about to use.
  4. Choose the pattern or grid you will use. You can look many up on google images or you can start with a very simple circle around a center stone.
  5. Take a crystal wand of quartz, selenite, or any wand of your choosing and imagine a white light pouring through it and uniting each stone on the grid as you point to them in a cohesive movement. Do not break your lines and try to really visualize the light to the best of your ability.
  6. Once your grid is activate it let it sit in the space for at least 12 hours or up to three days during the full moon cycle.  


A Simple Petition & Candle


Petitions are an easy and effective way to write out your intentions and keep them at the forefront of your own consciousness as well as making them clear for the ritual that you are intending to do. You can write out a petition to specific deity or spirit that will assist you or you can simply write out what you want to achieve. Either way the only consistent thing that is important in making your petition effective is making sure to be a specific and straightforward as you can possibly be within writing it. Writing in the present tense and being intentional about your word choice is imperative to making sure that what you are asking is clearly stated. Ask for exactly what you want, for example write “ I am hired at the new job of my dreams. I make the exact salary I desire and am surrounded by positive and amazing co workers.” instead of writing “ I want a new job.” By being this specific you are ensuring that the scenario you are asking for unfolds the exact way you wish.


Candles magick is one of the most effective and accessible forms of ritual work you can use. The candles I recommend working with most are 7 day ritual candles because they are the safest to use especially if you are new to candle work and then can be easily found in most stores as catholic prayer candles. They are encased in glass which is very safe for when you are burning them over a long period of time. The empty glass can also be read after the ritual to gauge its effectiveness.


Supermoon Petition & Candle Ritual



  • 7 Day Candle
  • Anointing oil of your choice (use oils that match your objective for example if its a healing ritual use healing oil)
  • Petition paper ( Parchment paper square, brown paper bag square, or blank paper square.)
  • Dressing herbs (optional; any of the herbs from the spiritual bath can be used or reused after being strained if desired)



  1. Clear your space with sage or herbal protection smudge
  2. Write out your petition on petition paper in a color pen that matches your intention blue= prosperity, abundance, spiritual growth green= healing, health, money red= war, lust, protection, quick manifestation black = protection, justice, power, domination ect.
  3. Anoint your petition with corresponding oil and or sprinkle corresponding herbal mixture over the petition sparingly
  4. Fold the petition away from you for banishing and towards you to beckon or call in.
  5. Place prepared candle  on top of or behind petition and light it while holding the intention of the ritual.
  6. Intone or verbally pray/ chant over the candle and close with words of power, “ so it be, ase, ayibo, ect.”


These simple yet powerful acts can draw in immense power on this upcoming supermoon, Remember the energy of the full moon lasts for 3 days the day before, during, and after, and you may capitalize on this energy throughout most of the week by praying, affirming, or intending your goals into fruition.


If you are a newbie to spiritual work and need assistance in your undertakings try our new ritual services for 10% off w/ code: SPMN111

Supermoon (1)

Gem of the Day: Amazonite


Are you ready to leave your worry and fears behind? Open up to the power of universal love with amazonite! Combining the physical and mental powers of protection this stone removes all forms of negative energy including harmful radiation, elf, and negative thoughts. Have emotional trauma? this stone can assist you with developing a balanced perspective in life and relinquishing the victim mentality and balancing both the yin and yang energies.


Physical Healing:  Osteoporosis, Tooth decay, and calcium deficiencies.


Common Uses: Protection from environmental smog and geopathic stress (radiation, cell phones & microwaves)


Chakra Connections: Earth & Root chakra


Astrological Connection: Aquarius & Virgo

Buy this gem now!

amazonite lol

Gem of the day: Fulgurite

3 Stars *** Fulgurite channels communication from the spirit realm into the physical plane and strengthens the connection between both with worlds. These amazing stones can enable one to predict future events and enhance the abilities of a divining rod. They increases clairvoyance and can be used to grid an area for magnifying the energy. Fulgurite intensifies concentration and eliminates distractions. They are natural glass tubes formed by sand or rock being struck by lightning. Fulgurite is especially good for Gemini and Virgo, but would be highly beneficial for any Zodiac Sign.
To learn more about gemstone therapy like us at www.facebook.com/gemineyecreations

To purchase this stone visit http://gemineyecreations.nuwshop.com/store/products/special-order-service/


Gem of the Day: Andalusite

3 Stars *** Andalusite enables one to look at any issue rationally. It allows you to remain grounded as you view the different facets of your character; whether emotional, physical or intellectual and to be unbiased about what you find. Andalusite aids in recovery from being thrown off balance. It cleanses and balances the heart; releasing blockages caused by anger, anxiety and hurt. Andalusite stimulates memory recollection. It is also a very therapeutic stone that helps with psychosomatic or stress-related ailments, as well as with bone fractures and connective tissues. Andalusite is especially good for Virgos, but would be highly beneficial for any Zodiac Sign. To learn more about gemstone therapy like us www.facebook.com/gemineyecreations

To Purchase this or any other gems visit  http://gemineyecreations.nuwshop.com/


Gem of the Day: Carnelian

2 Stars ** Fearlessness, a quality almost everyone wants to possess. Impossible you say? Not with carnelian. This beautifully vibrant stone possesses and energy that likens to it’s appearance. It is a warm and grounding stone that creates the power to provide motivation in dramatic pursuits. This stone holds the ability to release ones fear of death and activate your appetite for success. Spiritually this stone is useful by providing mental clarity and focus during meditation. It helps to aid in diseases like depression and arthritis as well as increasing your ability to assimilate nutrients. This stone is available in red, orange, pink, and brown. Carnelian is a great stone for Aries, Cancer, Leo, Virgo, and Capricorn. To learn more about gemstone therapy like www.facebook.com/gemineyecreations



Gem of the Day: Moonstone

The moonstone is an incredible calming and healing stone. It deals with the feminine energy and helps connect one to their intuition. It’s greatly assists in any issues dealing with the reproductive organs (women’s.) It also balance emotional extremes. This stone comes in many color varieties such as White, Cream, Yellow, Blue, Rainbow, & Green.

Physical Healing: Women’s Health & Balancing Hormones

Common Uses:  Spirituality & Womb healing

Chakra Connection: Crown & Third Eye Chakra

Astrological Matches: Cancer, Virgo, Aquarius, and Pisces,

Buy this Gem!
