Gem of the Day: Peridot


Associated with the goddess Lakshmi this beautiful green stone holds the properties of abundance and regeneration. Peridot has an amazing ability to heal and repair the auric field as it releases issues relating to emotional baggage. Motivating growth peridot allows for ones mindset to be shifted from the victim mentality and encourages learning from ones experiences.  While it provides insight and mental clarity it also amplifies intuitive abilities.  Peridot is an ancient and amazing stone with wonderful qualities.

Physical Healing: Lungs, Gallbladder, Spleen, Intestines

Common Uses:  Prosperity, Abundance, & Luck

Chakra Connection: Heart & Solar Plexus Chakra.

Astrological Matches: Libra, Taurus, Leo and Virgo

Suggested Positioning: On the throat or heart region

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Price Range: 2 Stars ** Moderately Expensive 

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