Senstive Is Powerful; Harnessing the Gift of Being an Empath

If you are here chances are you are an empath, some of you maybe aware of it while others you are not, either way your gifts are more than just mere emotions. Over my years of doing this spiritual work I have encountered numerous souls with this amazing gift although most of you are surpressing it in some form because you do not understand its amazing power. For those of you who may be unaware an empath is a person with the ability to feel and sense other peoples emotions, intentions, and feelings intuitively and almost automatically. When you are an empath you have the ability to literally feel what others are feeling. At first this gift can be quiet overwhleming but over time by culitivating your natural gift you can learn to use it to do some pretty amazing things. Some of the awesome ways empaths can use their gitts include but are not limitted to, creative expression and performance, teaching counceling and consulting roles, motivational and inspirational speaking, holistic and energy healing, mediumship and channeling work, and the list goes on.


The role of the empath is to be the beating heart of a society to be interconnected to not only how others feel but to sense how the earth, the plants, the animals, and all living things seen and unseen are connected into a higher consciousness. Often times we curse our gifts because it makes us feel life so deeply an we can’t seem to harness our emotions. The key to this is to STOP surpressing your emotional responses to life. If you want to cry let it out, it doesn’t make you weak to feel, but you must learn to feel through your feelings and not allow yourself to become the feelings themselves. This is the challenge we all face as empaths it is easy for us to slip into anxiety, depression and other mental/emotional health challenges because of the depth and the degree to which we feel. At times this can be exagerated by other aspects of our gifts and make us feel powerless to overcome or move our negative feelings. The first step here is to learn that NOT everything you are feeling is your own emotion. It’s like you can sometimes feel like a white water rafter caught in the violent current of negative emotions. Some of this may be your own but most of the time alot of it isn’t. As empaths we carry not only the feelings of those around us physically but ancestral, and spiritual karmas and burddens passed on to us. We feel the weight of all of the lifetimes we’ve lived and every undone or unforfilled dream, promise, or wish of our ancestral lineage. Here is where we begin to learn the art of clearing, sheilding, and grounding our energy. These simple meditation techniques can change the life of an untrained empath and teach them to discriminate what is their own emotion and what is spiritually percieved.


Once you can tell the difference you can now begin to read the emotions rather than just feel them. You will be able to tell what people around you are feeling and you will also be able to sense how things will move and flow, but from a detached yet present state of awareness. This is the true power of the gift, we can become seers, messengers, and spiritual mediums of the amazing messages that spirit and the divine have to offer. We can now channel our compassion into healing art, beauty, teachings, and services that will help others like us and not like us to be able to deeply transform their own lives. The key to all of this is to acknowledge your gift, educate yourself about what it means, and STOP fighting it. The divine would not give you this gift if you also too did not possess the power to harness it. You need to know you are strong enough NOT to overcome it, but to accept it and use it to help others and yourself heal, grow, and change!

I hope these words reach those who needed to read or hear them when they needed it most and that one day you realize the full potential of the amazingly beautiful gift of being an empath.

If you are in need of spiritual assistance feel free to utilize my services as a spiritual and holistic lifestyle coach



If you are interested in learning more about your spiritual power watch the recording of our free webinar 5 Steps to Spiritual Power




You can also check out our amazing selection of wonderful crystals, jewelry,  & spiritual and health products

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3 Amazing Gems your Womb Needs this New Year!

It’s a new year and we are ready to assist you in bringing it in with new and innovative ways to heal your holistic self. Crystal healing or Gemstone Therapy as I like to call it, is one of the most best kept ancient secrets. You may have heard of the infamous yoni egg used to cultivate and assist the womb in healing and maintain balanced health, but there are so many different varieties of crystals!  So here are some amazing gems that can get you started on your crystal healing experience.

What is a Crystal?

A Crystal is an ancient member of the mineral kingdom whose molecular structure is composed in specific geometric patterns. These patterns allow for the crystal or Gemstone to emit and intake energy in the form of vibration. These elemental helpers can be used in a variety of ways to bring about healing in the mind, body, and spirit.

From the law of vibration and application of Gemstone Therapy or Crystal Healing we can begin to replicate the natural actions of the crystal with in our own bodies and begin to receive an energetic shift from the very essence of our source.


What crystals should we use to heal?

All crystal formations from, geodes to tumbled stones, can be used to heal the womb and underlying issues resulting in womb dis-ease or trauma. Yoni Eggs  are the most popular formation and are an amazing way to heal your womb from the inside out, but many of us have trouble knowing which stones are best for our needs.




Moonstone egg


  • Deals with the feminine energy
  • Helps to connect one to their intuition
  • assists in any issues dealing with the reproductive organs (women’s)
  • balances emotional extremes
  • especially good for Cancer, Virgo, Aquarius, and Pisces but is has amazing benefits for any woman.



  • Encourages Fearlessness
  • warm and grounding stone
  • provides motivation
  • Activates your appetite for success
  • Provides mental clarity and focus during meditation
  • Helps to heal depression
  • Increases your ability to assimilate nutrients
  • Great stone for Aries, Cancer, Leo, Virgo, and Capricorn. 





  • opens the third eye to psychic visions
  • Offers insight into past life blockages, removing them while healing past life traumas from their source.
  • A grounding stone; that balances emotions with spirituality
  • Brings a gentle calming and focused energy
  • Negates the effects of electromagnetic pollution (cell phones, computers, ect.)
  • Aids in recovery from trauma or major illnesses, by causing the cells to remember a perfect state of health
  • Treats the reproductive system
  • Facilitates healthy pregnancies
  • Helps for the healthy development of unborn babies
  • Stimulates the growth of skin and hair
  • Good for Scorpios

Now that you know which stones are great for your womb and why, whats stopping you from starting your crystal collection this new year?


 Want to learn more about how you can start your womb healing journey? Join us for 3 weeks of womb healing, self love, & high spirituality! 


Gem of the Day: Selenite

2 Stars ** Selenite is a powerful and creative stone that provides mental, spiritual, and physical clarity. This stone awakens the higher energies in us and allows us to become grounded in our spiritual approach. This stone is highly protective and creates a divinely peaceful atmosphere. Selenite shows us how to resolve and pinpoint issues, while giving us insight and helping us to understand the subconscious mind. This stone is great for those who practice yoga as it promotes flexibility and aligns the spine. This stone heals mercury poisoning from dental amalgam and is great for breastfeeding! This stone is great for all zodiac signs! To learn more about purchasing gemstones and gemstone therapy like us

To Purchase this or any other gems visit
