My Top 5 MUST Have Winter Gems

While none of these crystals will actually keep you warm this winter their warm energy and frequency may assist you in making it through these cold winter months. When it begins to get cold, people become sick, depressed, tired, and stressed. So when this winter starts to get you down don’t hesitate to reach for your friends in the mineral kingdom to keep you relaxed, centered, motivated, energized, & content.


#5: Rose Quartz


Although this crystal is often recommended in matters of love and the heart. I would encourage you to understand its power beyond romantic love. This stone has a peaceful yet bubbly nature as it’s gentle frequency can awaken positive thoughts and bright ideas in even the coldest of hearts. Let rose quartz melt away your pain this winter and assist you with matters of emotional balance, release, and harmonious relationships.


#4: Hematite


If you have a case of the winter blues, I highly suggest that you work with a hematite stone. This powerful gem dispels negative energy quickly and potently. With it’s almost instantaneous effects hematite can begin to lift the heavy clouds of depression away and provide relief to those who truly need it.


#3: Pink Himalayan Salt


Although not traditionally thought of as a gemstone this crystallized salt is known for its beneficial and curative properties. An all around purifier, it works very similarly to sage  by neutralizing the ionic discharges released by computers, cell phones, & other electronic devices. Pink salt rocks & Lamps  can boost your overall mood and provide you with a peacefully relaxed feeling.


#2: Green Fluorite 


With its bright and translucent green color you can imagine that this stone carries a beautiful and positive energy. Assisting the body in fighting against viral infections such as the common cold & flu, this crystal is one of my favorite winter allies.


#1: Carnelian


A beautiful and bright gem, this amazing stone is warm & vibrant by nature. With a fiery energy it ignites a strong sense of motivation and optimism. It is my #1 stone because it is the perfect gem to assist us in completing our new year’s resolutions as well as giving us the clarity and focus necessary to achieve them.


Browse our beautiful selection of amazing crystals & crystal jewelry by clicking the button below.

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3 Amazing Gems your Womb Needs this New Year!

It’s a new year and we are ready to assist you in bringing it in with new and innovative ways to heal your holistic self. Crystal healing or Gemstone Therapy as I like to call it, is one of the most best kept ancient secrets. You may have heard of the infamous yoni egg used to cultivate and assist the womb in healing and maintain balanced health, but there are so many different varieties of crystals!  So here are some amazing gems that can get you started on your crystal healing experience.

What is a Crystal?

A Crystal is an ancient member of the mineral kingdom whose molecular structure is composed in specific geometric patterns. These patterns allow for the crystal or Gemstone to emit and intake energy in the form of vibration. These elemental helpers can be used in a variety of ways to bring about healing in the mind, body, and spirit.

From the law of vibration and application of Gemstone Therapy or Crystal Healing we can begin to replicate the natural actions of the crystal with in our own bodies and begin to receive an energetic shift from the very essence of our source.


What crystals should we use to heal?

All crystal formations from, geodes to tumbled stones, can be used to heal the womb and underlying issues resulting in womb dis-ease or trauma. Yoni Eggs  are the most popular formation and are an amazing way to heal your womb from the inside out, but many of us have trouble knowing which stones are best for our needs.




Moonstone egg


  • Deals with the feminine energy
  • Helps to connect one to their intuition
  • assists in any issues dealing with the reproductive organs (women’s)
  • balances emotional extremes
  • especially good for Cancer, Virgo, Aquarius, and Pisces but is has amazing benefits for any woman.



  • Encourages Fearlessness
  • warm and grounding stone
  • provides motivation
  • Activates your appetite for success
  • Provides mental clarity and focus during meditation
  • Helps to heal depression
  • Increases your ability to assimilate nutrients
  • Great stone for Aries, Cancer, Leo, Virgo, and Capricorn. 





  • opens the third eye to psychic visions
  • Offers insight into past life blockages, removing them while healing past life traumas from their source.
  • A grounding stone; that balances emotions with spirituality
  • Brings a gentle calming and focused energy
  • Negates the effects of electromagnetic pollution (cell phones, computers, ect.)
  • Aids in recovery from trauma or major illnesses, by causing the cells to remember a perfect state of health
  • Treats the reproductive system
  • Facilitates healthy pregnancies
  • Helps for the healthy development of unborn babies
  • Stimulates the growth of skin and hair
  • Good for Scorpios

Now that you know which stones are great for your womb and why, whats stopping you from starting your crystal collection this new year?


 Want to learn more about how you can start your womb healing journey? Join us for 3 weeks of womb healing, self love, & high spirituality! 
