Gem of the Day: Moonstone

Want to learn to harness the power of your emotions? Moonstone is an excellent stone for balance and gaining emotional maturity. It balances both masculine and feminine energies, helping to heal deep emotional traumas. Encouraging the mind to recognize synchronicities it opens us up to the higher realms of existence and helps us to release old patterns of thinking. Moonstone is an amazing stone for helping little ones to calm down and also assists in healing our inner child.


Physical Healing: Digestive disorders, liver & pancreas detoxification, PMS relief, Increasing lactation, Soothes pregnancy & childbirth.


Common uses: Lucid dreaming, developing psychic abilities, inhibiting sleep walking


Chakra connections: Solar plexus, Sacral, & Third eye


Astrological Connections: Cancer, Virgo, Pisces, & Scorpio

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Gem of the Day: Bloodstone

Are you looking for a way to cleanse and remove negative energy from your physical body, ethereal body, and the atmosphere in your home? Bloodstone is a powerful gemstone that will channel love into any given situation and ground the negative energies surrounding the issue. Simply place Bloodstone in any area that needs to be cleansed and bloodstone will enhance the function of the mind by bringing clarity. It enhances intuition and creativity, and will combat fatigue, irritability and confusion. This truly amazing stone will clean your lower chakras; realigning your energies. Bloodstone can be used to increase energy and strength by removing energy blockages, which creates a smooth and constant energy flow throughout the body. It will enhance intuition and creativity. Bloodstone is also well known for being a powerful healing stone. It purifies the blood, detoxifies the liver, kidneys and spleen. Bloodstone truly lives up to its’ name, because it is highly beneficial to all blood rich organs and regulates blood flow. 

Physical Healing: Purifies the blood, detoxifies the liver, kidneys and spleen.

Common Uses: Focus and higher spirituality

Chakra Connection:  Base, Sacral, Solar Plexus Chakra

Astrological Matches: Aries, Libra, Pisces and Scorpio

Suggested Positioning: Over Thymus Gland (in the upper middle part of the chest)

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bloodstone 1

Gem of the Day: Actinoite

Stimulate growth and expand with Actinolite! It will balance body, mind, spirit, and enhancing higher awareness. Actinolite heals the etheric body by protecting against psychic attack, illness, stress and vampiric energy. Actinolite increases self-esteem by removing negative feelings, in particular those of isolation that hinder progress and growth. This wonderful gemstone keeps us in tune with nature and all of our surroundings. Actinolite can bring awareness of the reality and helps us understand that we are all important.

Physical Healing: Actinolite reduces stress, as well as, fortifies the immune system after illness or trauma. It also aides in proper liver and kidney function.

Common Uses: This stone is also known to be a powerful stone for connecting with spirit guides!

Chakra Connection: Heart Chakra

Astrological Matches: Scorpio

Green Actinolite


Gem of the Day: Opal

4-5 Stars depending on variation Opal talisman boosts foresight. According to some legends Opal’s wearer can telepathically influence other people – if not for his own profit. As a talisman, Opal is supposed to be worn on the right index finger, gold-mounted. As an amulet, Opal works best when in trinket. White Opal helps musicians and composers. Fiery Opal protects from natural disasters. Black Opal is a stone of Scorpio. It was believed that water, fire and heat are enclosed in Opal so it is a remedy for many diseases. Opal helps against heart diseases, calms nerves, guards against melancholy, restores visual acuity, normalizes functioning of epiphysis and hypophysis. To learn more about gemstone therapy like us


Gem of the Day: Spinel

4 Stars **** Spinel is a crystal of energy renewal, encouragement and rejuvenation. It comes in all the colors of the Chakras and corresponds with the energy of the Chakra color. This amazing stone, regardless of its color or corresponding Chakra; will open all the Chakras and stimulate the rise of Kundalini energy. Spinel will enhance all of your positive traits and help you attain success, while maintaining humility. It is especially good for Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Libra, Scorpio and Sagittarius, but would be highly beneficial to any Zodiac Sign.
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Gemstone Therapy’s Answer to Coping with Mars & Saturn in Retrograde

As I am sure many of you are aware we have just come out of Mercury in retrograde; this is when the planet appears to be moving backward from its normal journey across the sky; from west to east rather than from east to west. None of us are spared from the effects of such an impressive astrological occurrence yet, there are some things that we can do to prepare ourselves to receive the energy in a non-conflicting way. There is always a way to create a tentative agreement with seemingly opposing forces. If it occurs in nature then there is a reason for it! The key is to tap into that reasoning and figure out how we can make this work for us.

We are currently experiencing the effects of Mars and Saturn in retrograde. Be it that Mars and Saturn don’t exactly have the most positive associations as planets you can see why it is necessary to not only create a deeper understanding of their effects on us in a general way but to further connect intuitively to the amazing tools we have around us to help us stay above the lower attributes of these retrogrades.

Let’s start by defining Mars as a planet which will retrograde from March 1st- May 17th . Many associate mars with its lowest aspects of lust, war, and conflict, neglecting its necessity in the advancement of higher self-awareness. Mars has a powerful passionate energy that, in its higher self can be associated with vitality, sexuality, spontaneous creativity, determination, strategic thought, and physical technologies. Life would be pretty dull without these amazing qualities don’t you think? So how do we make the best out of this intimate time with these energies? Be it that you will feel this energy touching many relationships in your life; that of which may vary based on your own natal chart, it is imperative to tap into a higher level of Martian energy in order to sustain your own life force through this retrograde.  One of the ways, in which we can do this, is by tapping into the reflective opposite energy of the zodiac signs which are associated with Mars.

Mars is associated with the sign of Aries, Scorpio, and Sagittarius, but is best known for its association with the first two. Mars’ brute masculine force can be readily tamed by the following zodiac reflectives: Libra, Taurus, and Gemini.
Let’s start with Libra. Libra carries an amazing symbolism of balance and harmony. This sign is ruled by the feminine energy of Venus linking it further to balancing the masculine nature that can be found with Mars; allowing for a harmonious mixing of Air and Fire; flow and vitality.  The following Gemstones are known for possessing a complimentary energy to both Aries and Libra making them perfect for meditation, ritual, and all around general use during the Mars in retrograde. Aquamarine, Topaz, Pink & Green Tourmaline, Kunzite, and Green Spinel, are stones that possess both energies in balance with each other.

Next we have Taurus opposite reflective to Scorpio. Taurus is also ruled by the planet of Venus showing again how the feminine nature of this planet is suitable for balancing and harsher elements in Martian energy.  Taurus is a grounded and sensuous earth sign that creates an amazing compliment to Scorpios fluid sexual prowess. These two energies offer each other the proper ratio of extremity to help soothe the fires of this Mars in retrograde.  Gemstones for both Taurus and Scorpio are as follows; Topaz, Malachite, Black & Red Spinel, Boji Stones (Both Masculine & Feminine), Green Tourmaline, and Variscite.

Last but not least we have free spirited Gemini and philosophical Sagittarius. These two signs exemplify balance by showing the expansive and minute properties of the world. Gemini possess an unique Mercurial ability to see the infinite with in the finite; while Sagittarius transmutes the explosive power of fire into an expansive alchemical response. Both of them, truly giving each other a perspective that helps to balance each others’ tendency toward the extreme.  The crystals that help to balance the properties of these two energies are; Green & Pink Tourmaline, Topaz,  and Obsidian.

Saturn will retrograde from April 1 -July 20th and  is often associated with the energy of restriction, the finite, and structure. While this can be viewed from a limited perspective; this planet is also known as the teacher. It gives us boundaries, rules, experience and relativity. This planet allows for us to learn from the most basic situations and primal carnal interaction, which is experience itself. It gives us definition to concepts we would have only understood from a theoretical stand point, thus creating practical solutions for infinite consciousness.  If properly utilized, this energy allows for us to give life fullness and makes us into well rounded individuals.  Saturn in retrograde gives us a chance to reflect on the life lessons learned in sometimes a harsh or unwanted way, but this opportunity can allow for us to create closure with these experiences and move on to a more evolved way of being. To properly tap into this energy we will utilize the same concept previously exhibited with Mars.

The signs that Saturn rules are Capricorn, and Aquarius. Capricorn is the most heavily associated sign so let’s start here.

Capricorn is known for its ambition, structure, and stead-fast nature. Capricorn can be a deep and contemplative sign or can get sucked into a shallow pool a repetitive action without forethought. Capricorns reflective opposite is Cancer. This sign is the very incarnation of the mother energy itself it mirrors Capricorns paternal like structure with a motherly intuition, and psychic energy. This sign is known for its connectivity to the moon and emotional impulsiveness. Cancer also helps to balance the sometimes limited capacity of Capricorn with its infinite flow of wisdom.  The list of gemstones that can be utilized to tap into a complimentary energy of both signs are as follows; Carnelian, Pink & Green Tourmaline, and Ruby.

The other sign ruled by Saturn is Aquarius. Aquarius takes on the more teacher like and mystical qualities of Saturn as it helps to explain and bring about the changes necessary for one to see the every present truth of learning through experience. It allows for us to be exposed to the sometimes unpleasant underbelly of a superficial reality. Giving us the balanced perspective we need to evolved, grow, and change.  The reflective opposite of Aquarius is Leo. The fiery drive and passion of Leo, excites and purifies the humbled efforts of the Aquarian energy giving it the spark it needs to go forward in definition. The gemstones associated with both of these energies are; Amber, Amethyst, and Ruby.

So from all this we can deduce that the following gemstones would be most helpfully during these periods; Pink & Green tourmaline helping us to understand the transformative principals of the higher and lower heart chakras, Topaz allowing us to tap into the abundant energy or love and prosperity all around us, and Ruby inspiring us to flow with the energies of change and direct it towards our personal highest good.

If you need any help relating this energy to you personally or would like to learn more about the connection between your natal chart and the energy of crystals you can click here to learn more about our consultation services. If you would like to get a hold of some of the amazing stones mentioned in this article click here to learn more about our special order services.

Until next time… Peace & Blessings,
The Gemineye Creatress


Gem of the Day: Boji Stones

 (Masculine Left Feminine Right) Boji Stones are some of the most effective grounding stones. With their strong connection to the earth they are also very beneficial for plants and crops. Boji Stones are very protective stones that will overcome blockages in your path. These wonderful stones stimulate the flow of energy through your meridians; clearing blocked emotions and stabilizing them. They will heal hurtful memories, relieve pain, help tissues in the body to regenerate, increase physical energy and repair aura holes. They are especially good for the four “Fixed Signs” (Fixed Water, Earth, Fire, Air) of Scorpio, Taurus, Leo and Aquarius. But Boji Stones work well for any Zodiac Sign.






Gem of the Day: Dioptase

4 Stars **** Heal your heart, mind and body with Dioptase. This amazing gemstone will clear and stimulate all of your chakras and take them to a higher elevation of awareness. This stone will bring an invigorating energy to the physical, emotional, and intellectual bodies. Dioptase balances the yin-yang energies and aligns the chakras with the ethereal plane. This stone also brings back past life memories, promotes prosperity on all levels, and eliminates perception of “lack”. Dioptase relieves mental stress and allows for complete relaxation enhancing the meditative state. It will also ease the pain of grief, abandonment, betrayal, and heartache. This healing stone will ease migraines and headaches, addictions, high blood pressure, heart and liver issues as well as pain and fatigue. Dioptase is especially good for Scorpio and Sagittarius; but will benefit any Sign with its’ therapeutic properties!
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