Gem of the Day: Moonstone

Want to learn to harness the power of your emotions? Moonstone is an excellent stone for balance and gaining emotional maturity. It balances both masculine and feminine energies, helping to heal deep emotional traumas. Encouraging the mind to recognize synchronicities it opens us up to the higher realms of existence and helps us to release old patterns of thinking. Moonstone is an amazing stone for helping little ones to calm down and also assists in healing our inner child.


Physical Healing: Digestive disorders, liver & pancreas detoxification, PMS relief, Increasing lactation, Soothes pregnancy & childbirth.


Common uses: Lucid dreaming, developing psychic abilities, inhibiting sleep walking


Chakra connections: Solar plexus, Sacral, & Third eye


Astrological Connections: Cancer, Virgo, Pisces, & Scorpio

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Gem of the Day: Aquamarine


Feeling emotionally repressed? Having trouble speaking your truth? Aquamarine is just what you need. A gentle and relaxing stone, aquamarine stimulates your flow of clarity and expression. Aquamarine is an ancient talisman that has an affinity to the sea making it an excellent gem for those who are water signs or travel on water frequently. Opening you up to the etheric waters, aquamarine aids in opening up intuition, clairvoyance, and empathy. Allowing you to dig deeper into your own inner power and speak forth your truth, it protects against environmental pollutants, and allows one to tap into a higher spiritual awareness comfortably.

Chakra Connection: Throat Chakra

Physical Healing: Sore Throats &Thyroid issues

Common Uses: Water Talisman, Relaxant, Communication (spiritual & physical)

Astrologic Matches: Libra, Aries, Pieces, Gemini

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Gem of the Day: Turquoise

3 Stars *** Turquoise is a stone that helps you to tap easily into the spiritual world. It strengthens the immune system and can enhance your intuitive abilities. This stone also clears electromagnetic & environmental smog. This stone is great Pisces but would do well for any zodiac sign. To learn more about gemstone therapy like 


Gem of the Day: Wulfenite

3 Stars *** Wulfenite is a great stone that aids in the communication with spirit, intuitive, and the psychic realms. It also helps us to find soul mates or souls who we have agreed to work with from past life times, in this one. This stone creates a grounded and balanced understanding of duality and its purpose, as well as creating a bond to ancient magical knowledge we’ve acquired from lifetimes past. It is also great for people who have issues with dependency and has great regenerative and preservative properties. This stone is great for all zodiac signs and comes in yellow, gold, orange, green, gray, brown, white, and clear. 
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Gem of the Day: Prehnite

1-2 Stars Prehnite is a great stone of healing. It provides a direct connection the archangel Raphael, meaning that it is a great stone for those born on Thursday or hold any affinity with the heart chakra. This stone boosts intuition and ones ability for prophecy. Prehnite helps to envelopes the auric field in a protective shield of divine love. This stone is great for anyone who is a gardener or farmer because it increases one’s ability to connect with nature. It is also wonderful for helping you to organize your life. Prehnite helps to heal nightmares and phobias, the kidneys, bladder, thymus gland, shoulders, and blood disorders. This stone is great for libras! To learn more about purchasing gemstones, receiving a gemstone consultation or gemstone therapy in general like us on



Gem of the Day: Moonstone

The moonstone is an incredible calming and healing stone. It deals with the feminine energy and helps connect one to their intuition. It’s greatly assists in any issues dealing with the reproductive organs (women’s.) It also balance emotional extremes. This stone comes in many color varieties such as White, Cream, Yellow, Blue, Rainbow, & Green.

Physical Healing: Women’s Health & Balancing Hormones

Common Uses:  Spirituality & Womb healing

Chakra Connection: Crown & Third Eye Chakra

Astrological Matches: Cancer, Virgo, Aquarius, and Pisces,

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