My Top 5 MUST Have Winter Gems

While none of these crystals will actually keep you warm this winter their warm energy and frequency may assist you in making it through these cold winter months. When it begins to get cold, people become sick, depressed, tired, and stressed. So when this winter starts to get you down don’t hesitate to reach for your friends in the mineral kingdom to keep you relaxed, centered, motivated, energized, & content.


#5: Rose Quartz


Although this crystal is often recommended in matters of love and the heart. I would encourage you to understand its power beyond romantic love. This stone has a peaceful yet bubbly nature as it’s gentle frequency can awaken positive thoughts and bright ideas in even the coldest of hearts. Let rose quartz melt away your pain this winter and assist you with matters of emotional balance, release, and harmonious relationships.


#4: Hematite


If you have a case of the winter blues, I highly suggest that you work with a hematite stone. This powerful gem dispels negative energy quickly and potently. With it’s almost instantaneous effects hematite can begin to lift the heavy clouds of depression away and provide relief to those who truly need it.


#3: Pink Himalayan Salt


Although not traditionally thought of as a gemstone this crystallized salt is known for its beneficial and curative properties. An all around purifier, it works very similarly to sage  by neutralizing the ionic discharges released by computers, cell phones, & other electronic devices. Pink salt rocks & Lamps  can boost your overall mood and provide you with a peacefully relaxed feeling.


#2: Green Fluorite 


With its bright and translucent green color you can imagine that this stone carries a beautiful and positive energy. Assisting the body in fighting against viral infections such as the common cold & flu, this crystal is one of my favorite winter allies.


#1: Carnelian


A beautiful and bright gem, this amazing stone is warm & vibrant by nature. With a fiery energy it ignites a strong sense of motivation and optimism. It is my #1 stone because it is the perfect gem to assist us in completing our new year’s resolutions as well as giving us the clarity and focus necessary to achieve them.


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Gem of the Day: Lepidolite



Are you stressed out, tired, and moody? Are you tired of feeling drained and lifeless? Lepidolite may have just what you need. With its unique and powerful attributes it helps to dissipate all forms of negative energy. This stress reducing stone allows for one to peacefully slip into shamanic states of consciousness without feeling tired or drained. This amazing stone has the ability to help one release addictive behaviors and find holistic solutions to deeply rooted issues. An excellent stone for meditation, Lepidolite allows for total and clear concentration allowing you to connect deeper to the source during meditative experiences. This stone is great for all zodiac signs!


Physical Healing: Repairing Damaged DNA, Relieving insomnia, Building the immune system

Common Uses: Mood lifting & Elevating Consciousness

Chakra Connection: Heart, Third Eye, Crown

Astrological Matches: Capricorn

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Gem of the Day: Zincite


Zincite is a stone of transformation that attracts abundance at a spiritual and physical level. It anchors the light body into the physical realm, synthesizing spiritual power with physical, reenergizing depleted energy systems and alchemicalizing your being. This fiery stone assists in fulfilling karmic agreements, soul evolution and brings manifestation. Zincite stimulates the rise of Kundalini energy and removes hypnotic commands, energy blocks; encouraging the free flow of life force. This amazing gemstone heals shock, trauma and instills the courage to deal with traumatic situations. It ameliorates depression and releases painful memories so that they can be laid to rest. Zincite enhances gut instincts and intuition. It is also a powerful therapeutic stone that improves skin and hair; is beneficial to the prostate gland, immune system, organs of elimination and assimilation, menopausal symptoms and fertility. 

Physical Healing: CRS, AIDS, auto-immune diseases, candida, & bronchitis

Common Uses: Meditation and High Spiritual Work

Chakra Connection: All (especially lower)

Astrological Matches: Libra & Taurus

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**** 4 stars highly expensive stone

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Gem of the Day: Sunstone

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Bring a piece of sun into your life all year round. Sunstone is a unique and warm energy it is a regenerative stone that opens up your innate vitality. Harmonizing all of the chakras and organ systems Sunstone allows for you to experience a holistic understanding of health. If you are having trouble overcoming all emotional discord in the form of depression, anxiety, Seasonal Affective Disorder, or a sense of abandonment, then Sunstone is the right crystal to use. Giving you an empowered and independent perspective it eradicates procrastination and heals repressed emotions. Aiding you in removed negative energetic blocks and chords from your auric field and chakra system; Sunstone allows for true emotional healing to take place. This stone will bring joy, optimism, and the sunshine you need back into your life.

Physical Healing: Arthritis, Pain Aches, & Heals the Nervous System

Common Uses:  Emotional Healing & Regeneration

Chakra Connection: Solar Plexus

Astrological Matches: Gemini, Aries, & Libra

Suggested Positioning: Anywhere on or around the body

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Price Range: 1 Star * Highly Affordable

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Gem of the Day: Rutilated Quartz


Having trouble finding the root cause of a disease, or chronic issue? Rutilated Quartz aids in dealing with problems from the root and alleviating past life karmas to bring one in to wholistic alignment. As an amazing energy healer rutilated quartz has the ability to release negative energy in a nonabrasive and therapeutic way. Having anti-depressant properties it aids in releasing issues such as anxiety, phobias, and fears; allowing one to further overcome any restrictions that may be hindering you from living a full life. Rutilated Quartz is amazing at purging mercury from the nervous system. It also heals impotence, infertility, thyroid imbalance, and repels parasites.

Chakra Connection: Solar Plexus Chakra

Common Uses: Energetic Healing, Past Life Recall, & Astral Travel.

Suggested Positioning: Neck, Heart, Stomach

Astrological Matches: All

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Rutilated Quartz

Gem of the Day: Iron Pyrite

Need assistance in growing your business? Iron Pyrite is just what you need! This amazing gem has the ability to aid in the flow of inspiration when it comes to business ideas by tapping into the abilities and potential that lies with-in. This great stone is amazing at dispelling blockages and literally expels negative energies. It eases anxiety and frustration allowing you to be fully confident and secure in your decisions. Pyrite also energized the whole self and is great for relieving mild depression. Did I mention that the effects of this gemstone can be felt almost immediately? Some health benefits of the gemstone include assistance in repairing DNA damage, alignment of meridians, negating toxic build up, and aiding digestive health.


Suggested Positioning: Under your pillow, at the throat, on your desk.

Astrological Matches: All


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