Gem of the Day: Lepidolite



Are you stressed out, tired, and moody? Are you tired of feeling drained and lifeless? Lepidolite may have just what you need. With its unique and powerful attributes it helps to dissipate all forms of negative energy. This stress reducing stone allows for one to peacefully slip into shamanic states of consciousness without feeling tired or drained. This amazing stone has the ability to help one release addictive behaviors and find holistic solutions to deeply rooted issues. An excellent stone for meditation, Lepidolite allows for total and clear concentration allowing you to connect deeper to the source during meditative experiences. This stone is great for all zodiac signs!


Physical Healing: Repairing Damaged DNA, Relieving insomnia, Building the immune system

Common Uses: Mood lifting & Elevating Consciousness

Chakra Connection: Heart, Third Eye, Crown

Astrological Matches: Capricorn

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Gem of the Day: Andalusite

3 Stars *** Andalusite enables one to look at any issue rationally. It allows you to remain grounded as you view the different facets of your character; whether emotional, physical or intellectual and to be unbiased about what you find. Andalusite aids in recovery from being thrown off balance. It cleanses and balances the heart; releasing blockages caused by anger, anxiety and hurt. Andalusite stimulates memory recollection. It is also a very therapeutic stone that helps with psychosomatic or stress-related ailments, as well as with bone fractures and connective tissues. Andalusite is especially good for Virgos, but would be highly beneficial for any Zodiac Sign. To learn more about gemstone therapy like us

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Gem of the Day: Seraphinite

2 Stars ** Angelic protection through crystals, this great characteristic is held in select stones that connect you to the angelic realm. One of those stones is Seraphinite. Seraphinite has the ability to tap into self healing, enlightenment, and facilitating outer body experiences. This stone helps you through tough transitions in life as well as gives you the ability to create necessary change. Seraphinite releases stress, tension in the neck, opens the heart, and helps you to lose weight (if needed). This stone is great for all Zodiac Signs.
To learn more about gemstone therapy like us To purchase this stone visit
